February 19th
After Hot Water beach we drove to find the trail to Shakespeare Cliff

We walked down a steep trail to Lonely Bay

Quick swim before hiking back up.

Then down the opposite side to Flax Mill Bay

Back to AirBnb

After dinner we drove north to the top of the peninsula to watch the sunset, and it was the craziest road made even crazier by multiple wash outs, random trees in the road etc.

February 20th
Up at 8am for the drive to Taupo. Long drive; Zoƫ counted over 74 road kill.

Once we got back to the AirBnB in Taupo we went for a hike to see Haka falls. Again Cyclone Gabrielle foiled us as the trails were closed. But we could drive to a lookout.

Next we drove around to the disc golf course where there was a trail down to thermal springs.

After dinner we walked back to the boardwalk along Taupo Lake.

The next morning we went to the Craters of the Moon. A geothermal park with lots of steam, and mud. It used to be much more active in the 70’s but has quieted down over the years.

February 21st
We left Taupo and started the long drive back to Wellington.

Stopped at the National Army Museum for lunch.

Finally back in Wellington.

Went to Zealandia

Then we went to Te Tapa the museum.

Walk to Seatoun