Over the years I used to try to keep track of what I read. Slips of paper and scribbled notes blew around the house and drawers and backpacks. Then I found Goodreads. The first year I used it in 2003 I read 29 books. Last year I managed 17. Although I have 5 or 6 that I started in 2014 and hadn’t finished before the 1st of January.

This is part of what I am reading over the next while. I am tempted to bore you to death with why all of these books are on my shelf. What I think of them before reading and what I think of them after reading.
My GoodReads app lists the following books in my Currently Reading section:
The Abominable – Dan Simmons
The Persistence of Vision – John Varley
After Dark – Haruki Murakami
The Child Garden – Geoff Ryman
How Music Works – David Byrne
The Twelve – Justin Cronin
Dhalgren – Samuel R. Delany
The Way of Shadows – Brent Weeks
I have realized that I go through cycles of reading physical books, then online only (blogs, Reddit, Facebook, etc). Not sure why I make the switch.
I guess the point of this post is to remind myself to keep reading, and that GoodReads has been a good app for me. D’arcy said that he likes doing the photo a day challenge because it helps keep the memories accessible. He can remember each and every photo. It is the same with blog posts and other online writing and image posting. Helps me to remember.